The Liebster Award

I have been nominated for this award by Umar,, and gladly accepted to take and pass on the challenge. So, without further ado…

Rules of the award
Liebster-Award-Button-ImageA blogger can nominate up to 10 other bloggers, then create a post announcing the nomination. The nominated bloggers should have less than 3,000 followers. The first blogger then asks 10 questions to these bloggers. If the nominated bloggers accept, then they create their own post accepting the nomination & linking back to the first blogger, answering the 10 questions, then nominating more bloggers and asking a new set of questions. The award keeps getting passed on so that readers can discover new blogs.

1.Audio books or paper books. Why?

Paper,I love to read and flip pages, trying to peer into the mind of the author and emerse myself in the story. For some reason audio books haven’t caught up to me that much.
2. Text or call? Why?

Well i like to write, I think that’s my primary language for expressing myself. It is much easier to say what I feel and get it all out.

Calls once in a while, if i want to hear something instantly.
3. Do you have any nicknames? What do you prefer to be called?

My friends call me Em but that’s more a short form than nickname.
4. When making an entrance in to a party, do you make your presence known? Do you slip in and look for someone you know?

Am not an attention seeker so usually slip in quietly and look for first person I know or sit in a corner.
5. What is the strangest thing you believed as a child?

I used to read alot so didnt really have those strange beliefs, maybe tooth fairy.
6. What was the most recent compliment you’ve received and savoured?

Well, that I am good at my job and on fire. Had me glowing for a while and energised me.
7.Do you have a catchphrase? Give Details

Never give up. Was our motto in High school and it’s still a go to when things get tough.
8. Ronaldo or Messi?

Neither. Am an anti soccer fan.
9. Supposing there’s reincarnation, what famous/infamous person would like to come back as?

That’s a trick question; as a writer probably Emily Bronte. As a femme fatale, Marilyn Monroe- her confidence and appeal was legendary.

10. Would you date you? Why?

Definitely, am awesome and have always wanted to date a writer.


Here’s my 10 questions. I nominate Suspekt,

Awkward girl, Also anyone that follows and loves to write.

  1. When do you like to write?
  2. When did you first realize you loved writing?
  3. What genres do you love but absolutely suck at writing?
  4. Whats the craziest thing you have done, ever?
  5. If you could come back as a writer, who would that be?
  6. Besides writing, what are you passionate about?
  7. Who inspires you? Why?
  8. Who mentors you? What do you look for in a mentor?
  9. What are your big 5 goals for this year?
  10. What are you working on now that excites you?


2 thoughts on “The Liebster Award

  1. 1. Night 🙂 when the world is quiet.

    2. When I was 13 or 12.

    3. haha Politics.

    4. Such stories should never ever be told 😉

    5. Umm, I could say James Patterson but nah, future me. Please.

    6. Dancing. Art really

    7. Oh so many people! It would be an injustice to choose one but let’s just say my dreams.

    8. Timothy Bukumunhe. I’ve never looked for a mentor. I don’t know.

    9. Aye! how do we dissect this one?

    10. March blogs 🙂 I’m so excited for March! It’s going to be so fun!

    Side note: I’m glad to have discovered your blog through this thingy 🙂

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